Christian Heller

Hi there! Some bits about me, my interests, and activities:


futurism and utopianism

In the early 2000s I got interested in topics such as cyborgism, transhumanism, space colonization, life extension, and singularitarianism. From 2004 to 2009, I blogged on these in my futur:plom blog. Since 2009, texts of mine on more present-day techno-social phenomena and politics appeared in various outlets – such as and some books. At the same time, I started to do talks on such topics, and seminars for the DGB Bildungswerk. Lately though, I got bored with some lack of futurist wish-fulfillment: How slowly we're getting rid of basic pains when, techno-logically, we could – such as, globally, hunger and material poverty. That we suppress technology to explore and expand our minds – consider psychedelics. That we still coerce people to labors that could now be done by machines. That we create new scarcities instead of abolishing them – as in the field of "intellectual property". It seems to me now the hurdles lie not in science or technology, but in social and economic structures that restrict their potentials. That shifts my interest towards political utopianism. I've started to read on alternative economies and proposals for future ones.


I like movies – especially old and experimental ones. From 2004 to 2007, I attended Film Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (no degree). Until 2009, I tried my hand as a film critic for some online magazines – mostly on (I've sort of given up on that career path for now.) At the same time, I blogged on cinema and television on my sites cine:plom and cine:tv:plom. From 2006 to 2008, I organized regular film nights at the TiK: One series enabled amateur short film makers to showcase their works. Another featured silent short films from the Cinema of Attractions era (1895-1907) – with sound effects and music by the theatre's ensemble, and historical introductions by me. (Since then, my curatorial activity has mostly shrunk to regularly doing private movie nights with some friends over.) At times, I've done minor film experiments of my own, and also contributed a bit to some monochrom movie projects.

internet memes/folklore/art

Since my first steps into the Usenet in the 1990s I've been interested in online subcultures and their modes of expression (slangs, memes) and social organization patterns (such as newsgroups, IRC networks, imageboards). In the late '00s, my cine:plom blog (original focus: cinema and television) turned more and more to a study of meme and imageboard culture. I did a number of talks on those topics, and some podcasting, in 2012 explored them for the research project "Digital Self", wrote a book with erlehmann in 2013, and in 2018 mentored a research residency. In 2012 I also wrote an analysis (and comparison with 4chan) of the GUROchan imageboard for the Arse Elektronika 2009 anthology.

programming in general

Since I got my first computer, I have at various times tried my hand at programming. From this, various amateurish attempts at software emerged. Over the years, I've accumulated a modest knowledge of Unix-like systems, and done stuff in C, Python, shell scripts, JavaScript, XSLT, Go, PHP, Rust, and even some ASM. In 2015, I enrolled as a Computer Science student, did some small coding jobs for MNT, and then got hired as a "software engineer" by e-commerce start-up Talon.One. I quit by the end of 2016, freelancing since them – among others for teledisko, and again and again for MNT. I've also tried my hand as a programming teacher, and wrote some software guides.

roguelike programming

In 2013, I became interested in "roguelikes": descendants of the 1980 Unix game Rogue. In most roguelikes, player characters explore dungeons, fight monsters, collect and use items. Gameplay is usually turn-based. The world is shown in a top-down view – often as ASCII symbols. Worlds are generated "procedurally" – randomly anew on each game run. Old savefiles cannot be re-loaded, player character death is permanent - so one must play with care and strategy. Such features intrigued me. So I started coding my own roguelike engine: PlomRogue. It's growing slowly, and every few years I throw away everything to re-write it from scratch in some other language. But I learned a lot, and documented some my learnings in a dedicated PlomRogue Development Blog. In 2015, I wrote a first game for my engine: the ecological simulation Please the Island God. A second one appeared in 2016: the bodily functions/fluids adventure The Crawling Eater.


One issue I've worked on a lot is "post-privacy": the dissolution of privacy in the digital age; ethical and political evaluation of that change; and methods to deal with it, fight it, or even use it for good. I tried to develop some counter-arguments to privacy talking points common in the digital politics sphere: focusing on the ambivalent history of privacy as a bourgeois institution; criticizing of many promises of privacy activism; arguing for the value in broadening of transparency and inter-personal communication. Between 2008 and 2015 I've expounded such positions in various articles, on the radio, in talks – and a whole book. In my PlomWiki, I experimented with making public large parts of my own life – such as my personal finances, possessions, and daily routines. Nowadays I've grown very much bored with the whole "post-privacy" topic: Having repeated myself hundreds of times, I'd prefer not to be asked about it anymore.

Indo-European studies

In 2013, I decided to improve (or rather: set up) my Latin and Ancient Greek skills. I didn't get very far. I started with compiling declension tables, pronunciation rules and the like. But that quickly got confusing, most of all for Ancient Greek with its many dialects and stages of development. I then had a questionable idea on how to make these complexities more accessible to me: unravelling them back to the start by studying both languages' common ancestry – down to the Proto-Indo-European language. I got Sihler's Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin and tried to put it into a form I could understand. But the subject matter was overwhelming. So I decided to work myself through an introduction first: Fortson's Indo-European Language and Culture. Up until around 2015, I hoped to systematize my learnings from that into a useful Indo-European studies wiki or the like. I wrote XSLT code to generate comparative tables of the various histories of Indo-European declensions, but never got too far with the actual data collection and systematization.


Since the 2010s I've become more involved with cultures and events of hedonism, hippies, burners, festivals, party scenes. I'm a bit too anhedonic to fully throw myself into the pleasures they offer. But I find some comfort and hope for humanity in them. I'm greatly interested in their politics, some of which I consider promising, some of which I consider dangerous. I'm most happy in these scenes when I find some limited way to make myself useful for their organization or maintenance.



print publications


  1. Internet-Meme (with Nils Dagsson Moskopp), 2013, Cologne / O'Reilly.
  2. Post-Privacy. Prima leben ohne Privatsphäre, 2011, München / C.H. Beck.

book chapters

on post-privacy

  1. "Post-Privacy – Vom Ende der Privatheit" in: Peter Kemper, Alf Mentzer, Julia Tillmanns (eds.), »Wir nennen es Wirklichkeit« / Denkanstöße zur Netzkultur, 2014, Stuttgart / Philipp Reclam jun.
  2. "Post-Privacy" in: Ralph Haupter (ed.), Der digitale Dämon. Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zwischen Alltag und Ängsten, 2013, München / Redline Verlag.
  3. "Zerstört die Digitalisierung die Grenze zwischen Öffentlichem und Privatem?" in: Deutschlandradio (ed.), Der Ort des Politischen. Politik, Medien und Öffentlichkeit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, 2013, Berlin, VISTAS Verlag.
  4. "Post-Privacy"/"Postprivacy" in: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (ed.), Privat/Privacy, 2012, Berlin / Distanz Verlag.
  5. "Das Ende der Privatsphäre" in: Peter Kemper, Alf Mentzer, Julika Tillmanns (eds.), Wirklichkeit 2.0. Medienkultur im digitalen Zeitalter, 2012, Stuttgart / Philipp Reclam jun.
  6. "Meine Daten in Meiner Festung. Kleine Kritik der Privatsphäre" in: Jonas Engelmann, Holger Adam, Johannes Ullmaier, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Sonja Vogel (eds.), testcard / Beiträge zur Popgeschichte #20: Access Denied – Ortsverschiebungen in der realen und virtuellen Gegenwart, 2011, Mainz / Ventil Verlag.
  7. "Die Ideologie Datenschutz" in: Jan Krone (ed.), Medienwandel kompakt 2008-2010. Schlaglichter der Veränderung in Medienökonomie, -politik, -recht und Journalismus – ausgewählte Netzveröffentlichungen, 2011, Baden-Baden / Nomos Edition Reinhard Fischer.
  8. "Embracing Post-Privacy" in: Johannes Grenzfurthner, Günther Friesinger, Daniel Fabry, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Anika Kronberger, Franz Ablinger, Evelyn Fürlinger, Roland Gratzer, Harald Homolka List (eds.), monochrom #26-34: Ye Olde Self-Referentiality, 2010, Vienna / edition mono/monochrom.

on other topics

  1. "GUROchan: Perversion im Imageboard und die Neuerfindung der Körper" in: Günther Friesinger, Jana Herwig, Judith Schoßböck (eds.), Intimacy. Plug-in – Exploit – Care, 2016, Wien / edition mono/monochrom. (German translation by Judith Schossböck of this.)
  2. "GUROchan: imageboard perversion and the reinvention of bodies" in: Johannes Grenzfurthner, Guenther Friesinger, Daniel Fabry (eds.), Of Intercourse and Intracourse. Sexuality, Biomodification and the Techno-Social Sphere / monochrom's Arse Elektronika Anthology, 2011, Vienna / edition mono/monochrom, San Francisco / RE/SEARCH.
  3. "Killing (the power of) time. Archiving selves, cities, histories and universes" in: Günther Friesinger, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Thomas Ballhausen (eds.), Mind and Matter. Comparative Approachse towards Complexity, 2011, Bielefeld / transcript Verlag, New Brunswick/London / Transaction Publishers.
  4. "Die Ressource Ignoranz" in: Jan Krone (ed.), Medienwandel kompakt 2008-2010. Schlaglichter der Veränderung in Medienökonomie, -politik, -recht und Journalismus – ausgewählte Netzveröffentlichungen, 2011, Baden-Baden / Nomos Edition Reinhard Fischer.

articles in periodicals

  1. "Privatsphäre – ein Auslaufmodell? Ein Plädoyer für echte Transparenz" in: aej information. Zeitschrift für die Evangelische Jugend in Deutschland (August 2013)
  2. "Können wir unsere Daten schützen?" in: Helmholtz-Perspektiven. Das Magazin der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (September 2013)
  3. "Jeder für jeden gleich nackt. Die Post-Privacy-Welt braucht keinen Datenschutz" in: zeitzeichen. Evangelische Kommentare zu Religion und Gesellschaft (September 2013)
  4. "Post-Privacy bringt mehr Transparenz" in: Einmalig. Das Magazin der Bundesdruckerei (13; Summer 2012)
  5. "Willkommen in der Post-Privacy" in: Merz: Medien + Erziehung. Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik (2012/03)
  6. "Nach der Privatheit" in: iX (2/2009)

online publications

blogs and personal wiki

  1. technical guides (2018-)
  2. (2017-)
  3. PlomRogue Development Blog (2014-2016)
  4. PlomWiki (personal wiki; 2009-2017)
    • Lektüre-Notizen (reading notes and summaries on various read books; 2010-2018)
  5. original blogs (2004-2009):
    1. cine:tv:plom (2006-2009)
    2. kommentar:plom (2006-2009)
    3. futur:plom (2004-2009)
    4. cine:plom (2004-2009)
    5. reste:plom (2004-2009)

articles in external blogs

  1. "Weder löschen, noch sperren" (2010-08-19)
  2. "Die Ressource Ignoranz" (2010-05-04)
  3. "Die Ideologie Datenschutz" (2010-03-17) (movie reviews)

  1. "Year One" (2009-08-28)
  2. "Inglorious Basterds" (2009-08-22)
  3. "Die Partei" (2009-08-15)
  4. "Terminator: Die Erlösung" (2009-06-05)
  5. "Star Trek" (2009-05-09)
  6. "Crank 2: High Voltage" (2009-04-17)
  7. "The Fall" (2009-03-13)
  8. "Watchmen" (2009-03-06)
  9. "Der Knochenmann" (2009-02-20)
  10. "Frost/Nixon" (2009-02-06)
  11. "Jerichow" (2009-01-12)
  12. "Max Payne" (2008-11-21)
  13. "James Bond: Ein Quantum Trost" (2008-11-07)
  14. "Hellboy 2: The Golden Army" (2008-10-17)
  15. "Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex" (2008-09-26)
  16. "Die Stiefbrüder" (2008-09-14)
  17. "Der Mongole" (2008-08-09)
  18. "39,90" (2008-08-02)
  19. "Jugend ohne Jugend" (2008-07-12)
  20. "Charlie Bartlett" (2008-06-28)
  21. "Funny Games U.S." (2008-05-31)
  22. "Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels" (2008-05-24) (movie reviews)

  1. "Die schwarze Natter" (2007-03-21)
  2. "The Informant" (2007-03-15)
  3. "Muxmäuschenstill" (2007-02-22)
  4. short tv recommendation reviews

articles in other external blogs

  1. "Es lebe die Datenfreiheit!" (DeutschlandRadio Kultur: Ortszeit, 2011-10-10)
  2. "Wir werden alle Bernd" (, 2010-10-22)
  3. "Das Zuckerberg-Experiment" (, 2010-07-29)
  4. "Ein philosophischer Schaukampf" ( 2007/12 "Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung")
  5. "Sicht eines Spätgeborenen" ( 2007/10 "30 Jahre Deutscher Herbst")
  6. "Vom Kintopp zum Desktopp: “THE SCENE” und IRC als neue filmische Form" (, 2005-03-19)



on internet memes

  1. "Internet-Meme"/"Politik mit Internet-Memen" (multi-part talk/workshop) / guest lecturer at workshop "Manipulation 2.0 – Meinungsmache im Internet" of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Akademie Frankenwarte, Würzburg, Germany, 2014-09-13.
  2. "Internet-Meme: Geschichte und Forschungsstand" with Nils Dagsson Moskopp / SIGINT, Cologne, Germany, 2013-07-05.
  3. "Internet-Meme: Geschichte, Forschungsstand, Kontroversen" / re:publica, Berlin, Germany, 2013-05-08.
  4. "internet memes" / Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften of Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Bad Homburg, Germany, 2012-11-01.
  5. "Internet-Meme, Imageboards und kollaboratives Erzählen" / Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany, 2012-06-06.
  6. "Das egoistische Mem" / re:publica, Berlin, Germany, 2009-04-02.

on post-privacy

  1. "Post-Privacy" / Fachtagung "Leben ohne Privatsphäre. Kinder und Jugendarbeit im Zeitalter der 'Post-Privacy'", Rostock, Germany, 2015-06-09.
  2. "Post-Privacy" / Tagung "Truman Reloaded. Öffentliche Selbstdarstellung im Digitalen Zeitalter", Evangelische Akademie, Frankfurt, Germany, 2014-10-07.
  3. "Post-Privacy" / Mitte-Ost-Kongress der Grünen Jugend, Magdeburg, Germany, 2014-04-12.
  4. "Post-Privacy" / Evangelische Akademie, Frankfurt, Germany, 2014-02-04.
  5. "Die Verdatung des Menschen" / Data Storys (Center for Storytelling), Zurich, Switzerland, 2013-09-20.
  6. "Post-Privacy" / Fachtagung "Digitale Medien / Web 2.0 in der politischen Jugendbildung", Berlin, Germany, 2013-10-02.
  7. "Post-Privacy" / Zentrale Jahrestagung der EKFuL, Hofgeismar, Germany, 2013-06-03.
  8. "Post-Privacy" / Fachtagung "Soziale Medien" dder Akademie für öffentliche Verwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen, Meißen, Germany, 2012-11-14.
  9. "Post-Privacy / Ittinger Mediengespräch der IBM Schweiz "Gesellschaft im Spannungsfeld zwischen Transparenz und Sicherheit", Ittingen, Switzerland, 2012-09-13.
  10. "Post-Privacy" / Kongress der Landesverwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen "Gefällt mir - Soziale Netze im Internet", Akademie Mont-Cenis, Herne, Germany, 2012-08-31.
  11. "Survival In a Post-Privacy World" / International Federation of Computer Law Assocations Conference (IFCLA), Munich, Germany, 2012-06-22.
  12. "Post-Privacy" / Furtwangen University, Furtwangen, Germany, 2012-04-26.
  13. "Post-Privacy" / workshop of Grüne Jugend Niedersachsen, Braunschweig, Germany, 2012-03-04.
  14. "Freies Netz. Freie Daten. Frei von Recht" / JuraForum, Münster, Germany, 2011-11-15.
  15. "Meine Daten in meiner Festung. Kleine Kritik der Privatsphäre" / freie uni, Bamberg, Germany, 2011-01-13.
  16. "Post-Privacy / LIFT, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010-05-05.
  17. "Datenschutz als Ideologie" / PolitCamp10, Berlin, Germany, 2010-03-20.
  18. "Was kommt nach der Privatheit" / MaC*_days, Josefstal, Germany, 2009-10-02.
  19. "Embracing Post-Privacy: Optimism towards a future where there is 'Nothing to hide'" / Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2008-12-28.

on programming

  1. "roguelikes, and how to build one" (lightning talk on roguelikes and PlomRogue) / Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2014-12-29.
  2. "(proto-)indo-european declension tables" (lightning talk on Indo-European studies and my declension tables generator) / Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg, Deutschland, 2014-12-28.
  3. "'Hallo Welt' in Assembler. Programmieren ist das neue Latein. Wie bringen wir es unter unsere Mitmenschen?" (talk on Fiona lernt programmieren) with Fiona Krakenbürger, Nils Dagsson Moskopp / SIGINT 2012, Cologne, Germany, 2012-05-18.

on other futurist and techno-social topics

  1. "Digitale Erweiterung des Geistes" / Stadtbibliothek, Wolfsburg, Germany, 2013-05-22.
  2. "Sei ein Mensch und namenlos. Identität in Netz-Communities / Die verschiedenen Identifizierungs- und Anonymitäts-Zwänge der Netzgemeinschaften" / Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften of Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Bad Homburg, Germany, 2012-10-24.
  3. "Pray to the Omega Point. Religious ideas and techno-futurism. The Rapture for nerds, Teilhard de Chardin's 'Noosphere' and Frank Tipler's 'Omega Point Theory'. / SIGINT, Cologne, Germany, 2012-05-18.
  4. "Killing (the power of) Time. Archiving selves, cities, histories, and universes" / paraflows, Vienna, Austria, 2010-09-11.
  5. "Identitäts-Kriege: vom Ende menschlicher Gesellschaftsform." / SIGINT, Cologne, Germany, 2010-09-18.
  6. "Identitäts-Kriege: vom Ende menschlicher Gesellschaftsform. Wie das Netz die Identitäts-Zuordnungen zersetzt, von denen menschliches Gesellschaften abhängt." / re:publica, Berlin, Germany, 2010-04-14.
  7. "Identitäts-Kriege" / EasterHegg, Munich, Germany, 2010-04-02.
  8. "Identity Wars: the End of Human Society. How internet culture challenges the identity mappings that human society depends on" / c-base, Berlin, Germany, 2009-12-29.
  9. "Phuturama-Spaziergang durchs Science-Fiction-Kino" / Transmediale/Phuturama, Berlin, Germany, 2010-02-03.
  10. "Mind Upload Cheat Codes. Du möchtest dich in unsterbliche Computersoftware verwandeln? Warum warten? Vielleicht machst du es bereits!" / SIGINT, Cologne, Germany, 2009-05-24.
  11. "Supercomputer Earth: The Future of Civilization (& Africa's part in it)" / Goethe-Institut, Windhoek, Namibia, 2008-12-04.
  12. "Utopien, Singularitäten, Marskolonisation: Wir jonglieren mit Zukunftsvisionen von Gestern, Heute und Morgen" / re:publica Berlin, Germany, 2008-04-03.


regularly produced with others

  1. Sneakgeläster (with Sigi Oepke; 2013-2014)
  2. Warum nicht (with Nils Dagsson Moskopp, Jens Ohlig and various guests; 2011-2012)

single-episode appearances

  1. Wir Müssen Reden #64 "Vorratspornospeicherung" (with Max Winde, Michael Seemann; 2013-05-24)
  2. Chaosradio Express #165 "Privatsphäre" (with Tim Pritlove, Michael Seemann; 2010-10-06)
  3. Chaosradio Express #121 "Internet-Meme" (with Tim Pritlove, Jens Ohlig; 2009-04-28)
  4. Chaosradio Express #60 "Retro-Futurismus" (with Tim Pritlove, Gregor Sedlag; 2007-12-22)


  1. script for unrealized essay film Nothing to hide (2014) that was partly re-used for documentary Glossary of Broken Dreams (2018)
  2. flicker travelogues:
    1. Iceland voyage (part 1, part 2) (2012)
    2. Two Weeks in America (2007-2008)
    3. A Trip to Paris (2006-2007)
  3. Apokalypse Karlshorst (with many others; 2003/2005)
  4. Die Plauzen-Revüe (with Die Zwerje / Fabian Grenz, Tobias Prewitz; 2002-2003)
  5. school projects:
    1. dctp-Parodie (with Erik Andreowsky; 2003?)
    2. The Lord of the Flies Movie Project (with Jony Horend; 2002?)

I somehow managed to get two IMDb profiles: this one and that one. If anyone knows how to fuse them, please tell me.


  1. "Funkkolleg: Ende der Privatheit? - Datenexhibitionismus und Selbstvermarktung" (radio feature for hr2; 2012-11-16)
  2. "Politisches Feuilleton: Es lebe die Datenfreiheit! Ein Plädoyer für ein freies und unbeschränktes World Wide Web ohne Daten-Monopole" (commentary for Deutschlandradio Kultur, 2011-10-10)
  3. "Netzreporter – der Kommentar: Lippenbekenntnis Transparenz" (commentary for DRadio Wissen, 2010-12-03)

other projects

  1. mentoring the research residency Pepe, der Frosch, 2018 at the Schaubude Berlin, of virtuellestheater and Spieleberatung
  2. Fiona lernt programmieren (co-teacher/learner with Fiona Krakenbürger and Nils Dagsson Moskopp; 2012) (see also talk "Hallo Welt in Assembler")
  3. one-week seminars for DGB Bildungswerk:
  4. (hardware hacking platform, with Philip Steffan; 2008-2012)
  5. BarCampBerlin3 (member core team; 2008)
  6. TiK theatre movie nights
    1. Offener Kurzfilmabend (organization of amateur short films nights, 2007-2008)
    2. Kino der Attraktionen (curation and introduction to silent-era short films, with Alexandra Säidow and Alexander Pensel providing sound effects and music; 2006-2007)
  7. (co-working space network, with Alex Lang, Sebastian Sooth; 2007-2013)
  8. Studentischer Filmclub der Freien Universität Berlin (FUFC): Die westöstliche Leinwand (member organization team, design of website; 2006-2007)



My current PGP/GPG key (for can be found here: plomlompom.asc.


I can often be found on freenode as plomlompom (name is NickServ-registered, but I don't always properly identify to NickServ), at the channel #zrolaps for example. But my avatar being online does not necessarily indicate me currently reading what's happening there.

postal address

Please note: Only for visits with an appointment, and sending me mail. I do not answer to door bell ringing when I do not expect visitors.

Christian Heller
Thaerstr. 43
10249 Berlin, Germany


Please note: I prefer communication by e-mail. I only answer the phone directly on calls that I expect. Other calls are put through to my mailbox. I listen to my mailbox regularly, but I rarely answer calls to it right away.

+49 30 31987477


Bank: Deutsche Kreditbank AG
Account holder: Christian Heller
IBAN: DE50120300001050296803

crypto-currency wallets

BitCoin: 1LgtRNrXr7FyxbqWSrRDjXtMJsLQd8uoo6
DogeCoin: DTccEgXpvMKMU2xj4BDrPEc6tmqP2y8zW2

active social networking accounts



  1. 1984: born in Berlin (German Democratic Republic)
  2. 1992-1993: attended school at Richard-Wagner-Grundschule in Berlin-Karlshorst
  3. 1992-1994: actor for ORB Kinderfernsehen ("children's television")
  4. 1993-1994: attended school at Freie Waldorfschule Berlin-Südost
  5. 1994-1997: attended school at Grundschule am Seepark in Berlin-Karlshorst
  6. 1997-2004: attended school at Hans-und-Hilde-Coppi-Gymnasium in Berlin Karlshorst
  7. 2004-2008: enrolled in Film Studies and Philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin (no degree)
  8. 2004-2009: blogs on various topics below
  9. 2006-2007: co-organizer of Studentischer Filmclub der Freien Universität Berlin (FUFC): Die westöstliche Leinwand
  10. 2006-2008: curation of short film and silent movie nights at TiK theatre
  11. 2007: movie reviews and tv programme recommendations for
  12. 2007-2009: co-producer of co-working space network
  13. 2008: member of core team organizing BarCampBerlin3
  14. 2008-2009: movie reviews for
  15. 2008-2012: co-producer of hardware hacking platform
  16. 2008-2015: various talks at conferences
  17. 2009-2013: seminars for DGB Bildungswerk
  18. 2009-2013: articles for various print periodicals
  19. 2009-2017: personal wiki PlomWiki
  20. 2010: articles for
  21. 2010-2012: some radio work
  22. 2010-2014: coding the PlomWiki content management system and its plugins
  23. 2010-2014: individual chapters / articles for various books
  24. 2011: book Post-Privacy: Prima leben ohne Privatsphäre
  25. 2011-2012: podcast Warum nicht? with Nils Dagsson Moskopp, Jens Ohlig and various guests
  26. 2012: fellowship in Bad Homburg at Forschungsbereich "Digitales Selbst" of the Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
  27. 2012: co-teacher/co-learner at Fiona lernt programmieren
  28. 2013: book Internet-Meme with Nils Dagsson Moskopp
  29. 2013-: coding the PlomRogue roguelike engine
  30. 2013-2014: podcast Sneakgeläster with Sigi Oepke
  31. 2014: internship at Spacedeck
  32. 2014-: blogging at PlomRogue Development Blog
  33. 2015-2016: enrolled in Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin
  34. 2015-2016: programmer at Talon.One
  35. 2016-2017: enrolled in Computer Science at FernUniversität in Hagen
  36. 2017-: freelancing as a programmer
  37. 2018: mentor of research residency Pepe, der Frosch at Schaubude Berlin

pictures for public use

The following high-resolution photographs depicting me may be distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Feel free to use them for whatever purpose under the terms explained behind that link, naming their respective creators: